Tuesday, May 17, 2011

The Bounce Back Rebound Questionnaire

If you choose to be in a relationship shortly after your last, ask yourself the following questions:

  • Am I a serial monogamist? Do I have a history of going from relationship to relationship? [ ] yes [ ] no
  • Am I tring to fill a void right now? [ ] yes [ ] no
  • Is my ex in a rebound relationship and am I trying to prove a point? [ ] yes [ ] no
  • When I am out with this person, do I think about my ex often? [ ] yes [ ] no
  • Are my old patterns coming up again? [ ] yes [ ] no
If the answer to any of these questions is YES, then you might want to reconsider being in a rebound relationship. I am not saying that you should not go out and have fun. But, this might be a good time to take a time out from dating to reflect and grow.


If your old patterns are coming to the surface again, and you are not ready to change them, then it is, simply put, too soon to be in love again.

Even if you much prefer being in a relationship over being single, it's really important to learn how to be secure alone and have fun on your own. If you need someone to go to the movies, dinner, and the gym with, ask a friend. That's what friends are for. And, what about getting comfortable with your independence? A healthy relationship can only be built by two strong individuals, and becoming stron in yourself takes time.

Once you feel like you have healed your broken heart then go out and Date!

Love, Eris

P.S. For more info and questionnaires like this get Break-Up Emergency in hard copy or E-book now.