Sunday, December 5, 2010

How To Have Better Sex Tonight

Sex is usually pretty free and easy in the beginning of a relationship. And for most, it’s great! But like anything, if you don’t nurture your sex life it looses its spark and gets old quick.

Most couples that don’t communicate about sex end up stuck in the same old rut year in and year out. One of my jobs as a relationship counselor and coach is to help couples resolve their sexual issues and begin to have loving, passionate sex again. The key is always communication. After all, sex is not a one way street unless you are having it by yourself.

One of my favorite romance experts is Jessica Lalonde, known as The Love Lady. She is a Million Dollar Achiever with Passion Parties and has been featured on the TV show, The Doctors. Jessica hosted a ladies luncheon for me and had the women titillated as she spilled the secrets on how women could instantly better their sex life.

I got The Love Lady to share some tips that you can use for better Sex Tonight! Here is what she had to say:

“How To Have Better Sex Tonight”

by Jessica Lalonde

Sex seems like a pretty explanatory event right? I mean it’s not hard to figure out considering the ages that kids are becoming sexually active now days. However, while the act itself can be easily figured out, it can be difficult for many to experience the complete euphoria it can bring. Many couples engage in the act without taking advantage of the sensory organs they have been blessed with. Sex is meant to be a wonderful thing not a boring “let’s get this over with” task between a man and a woman. Here are some ways you can have better sex tonight….

Make It a Mutual Act

Sex is a mutual act. One has to get his or her partner ready for sex. If one partner is tired or not in the mood, it can become a boring routine event. When this happens, it can leave both partners feeling unfulfilled. Take a shower or a bath with our Romanta Therapy line. These products include pheromones that help to create a calming and at the same time increase the desire your partner has to be close to you.

Love Making

Sex is not just sex. It is an exchange of love between 2 people. That’s why it is called love making. During sex remember that you are also showing love for the other person. Make it about more than just the act itself. Take your time. Slow down. Breathe. A great way to keep your focus on love making is by using a blindfold. A blindfold doesn’t have to be something kinky that is accompanied by whips and chains. A simple blindfold will turn off your sense of sight and in return will heighten all of your other senses. Not ready to try a blindfold, simply keep your eyes closed the entire time.


Foreplay is a must. This is one thing that will stimulate both partners and will help them to achieve orgasm easier. Foreplay is the appetizer to the main dish. If you have a delicious appetizer it increases your desire to try the main dish. There are so many different forms of foreplay. Everything from a massage, a fun little game such as our dirty dice, a dusting with our edible Passion Powder in places that your partner has to find using only their tongue and many more. This is the area where you can be creative. You want to build the desire to get to the main course.


Routines can get boring just as intercourse with the same position every time. Our bodies can do so many amazing things that we won’t figure out until we try. This doesn’t mean that you have to do the 180 degree flip flop upside down limbo. If you try to step outside of your regular routine maybe by facing a different direction or elevating yourself with our Passion Pillow, You may find sensations you have never experienced before. To help you with your quest there are also many informative books for reading. One of my favorites is our Ride Em Cowgirl. This book features positions that you don’t need 10 years of yoga to get into, and has drawings accompanied by an informative description of what the position can do for you and your partner.

Go Somewhere

Yes, the bed is the easiest and more often than not the most accessible place to have sex. Just because it is easy doesn’t mean it has to be exclusive. Try moving your sex location to a different place in the house. Try doing it in the shower, on the floor, in the kitchen, or even the car in the garage. If you are really feeling adventurous you can leave the comfort of your home. Not only will changing locations help to keep things exciting and interesting between you and your partner, but it will also give you a newfound thrill and confidence about yourself as a sexual partner.

Use Enhancement Products When Needed

There are so many problems plaguing men and women that often spill into the bedroom. The good news is that you don’t have to suffer. For men it may be Erectile Dysfunction of which there are many creams, toys, etc… that aide in assisting this problem so it doesn’t have to be such a problem anymore. For women one of the biggest problems they face is not being in the mood. Try our Pure Satisfaction crème! It is like an orgasm in a bottle and helps your body get in the mood. You don’t have to suffer or assume that your sex life is doomed forever.

Be Your Biggest Fan

If you are confident in yourself as a partner, it will make sex more enjoyable for both parties involved. Don’t stress yourself out trying to find the perfect position, location, or foreplay act. Step out of the box and try something different and new. With the holidays coming why not purchase something fun to slip into your partners stocking. Once you start the journey of a wonderful sex life, there will be no turning back. Enjoy it all, and have fun!

For more on Jessica LaLonde go to

Love, Eris

A Plethora Of Period Tracking Apps For Men & Women

Diane Driscoll, the founder of weBEgirls, hipped me up to some really cool Apps for tracking your period.

The good news, I can now know exactly when my PMS alarm is about to go off without doing the math. My husband is really happy about this. The bad news is that some men are using these Apps to cheat on multiple women at once. Not Cool!

Here is what Diane Driscoll had to say:

A Plethora of Period Tracking Apps for Men & Women

by Diane Driscoll

Women, this is not for the faint of heart, but let’s face it, our hearts haven’t been faint since the passing of the corset. Men want to track our periods. And it seems not always for the most flattering of reasons. Some apps even let them track multiple women, allegedly for the several girlfriends or wife and mistresses.

According to a recent article in The Washington Post, “A tour of recent technological creations shows that menstruation apps for men are a booming market.

”PMSBuddy,” for example, is proudly “saving relationships, one month at a time.” “PMS Meter” features “hilarious sound effects.” And the infamous “IAmAMan,” which is nothing if not unapologetic, allows users to track the menstrual cycles of several women at once, for those special times when you are a big cheater.”

Hmm. Besides the lovely words the apps use to describe us women during these times, “her-ricane”, “menstrual madness” or a “she-devil with horns”, these apps can be beneficial for us women too.

One statement from one of these app sites really resonates with me: “’Every month, women go through the same ups and downs, but the men in our lives never seem to catch on,’ said Lisi Harrison.”

The truth is how can I expect any man in my life to “catch on” to my cycle when, after all these years, I haven’t either?

I need one of these apps for me. A day or two before my period I feel like eating the world and anything, ANYTHING, could bring a flood of tears to my eyes (okay, I admit, maybe that is a little “menstrual madness”). And every month I wonder what’s wrong with me. Then the next day I get my period and I’msurprised. The same light bulb every month, “Oh, that’s why!”

I know some of you women are that together that you track your periods. Sadly, I’m not one of you. After a few months of logging in the stats, the period tracker apps will do all the work and remind us, male and female users alike. Whew. What a relief that will be.

Here are the top period trackers:

Code Red

The most popular ($2.99), “[this] application has climbed as high as 35 on the Lifestyle division of the Apple app store — a category that includes hundreds of applications.” “All you have to do is set the start day of her most recent cycle, and the app takes care of the rest.” When the tracking starts, Code Red will provide special alert messages for every phase in her cycle such as “smooth sailing”, “horny alert”, “ovulation alert” and of course, “code red”.

PMS Buddy

With this app (free) you can track up to 10 women’s cycles and the date when their period will begin. You simply input each woman’s name and the last date of her menstrual cycle and the average length (PMS Buddy recommends the average 28 day cycle) and the user will automatically start receiving alerts. Women can also use this app too.

PMS Meter

I guess this app ($0.99) looks at the funnier side of menstrual cycles. Cited as being an “early warning system for PMS” or if “someone’s being cranky, but you’re just not sure why? “ There’s an activate button that you just press and the PMS Meter loads with “Hilarious (sound effects and animated sequences) fun for you and your friends.” The app also adds, “Great for parties, birthdays, family gatherings, or any social occasion.” Yeah, just want any gal would want at a party – your guy making fun of your period. Maybe this is one of those apps you only share with you buds – in your man cave.


Boasted as the app ($1.99) for “your private life planning,” (really…? ugh) it lets men track the cycles of multiple females, with symbols for each girl and her menses, ovulation and pms with a phone icon listed next to her name, theoretically so you can booty call the one in the clear. Additionally, it offers a passwords for each female so that if one of them “accidentally bumps into this application and makes you enter the password–she will be the only one to appear on the list.” Wow, they have really thought of everything.


This is the one we women would love the most from our men. Described by the app ($3.99): “Being aware of what your women are going through and knowing where they are in their cycle is essential in being a more caring and understanding man; in short it will help you become a better mate!” Love that. In addition to tracking our period, ovulation and pms days; our men can keep track of our favorite color, song, perfume, likes and gift ideas…and it stores special event dates and our clothing sizes.
Period Tracker

One for us woman, with both a light (free) and a deluxe version ($1.99). Period tracker takes daily notes of moods, symptoms, and intimacy. It can export your period dates and notes to email for backup or doctor’s visits. You can easily view the number of days until next period or number of days late. Know when you’re fertile with flowers that show on your homescreen during your predicted ovulation and eight day “fertile window,” maybe not science, but a helpful reminder for those couples trying to get pregnant. And the deluxe version also takes daily notes of menstrual symptoms including spotting, flow, cramps, headaches, backaches, bloating, tender breasts, and body aches. It also will track you weight and has a pregnancy mode for a countdown until your due date.